Sunday, 14 August 2011

We enjoyed mooring at St Neots, the town is nice, and there is a lovely park for dog(finlay) walking , places for a dog(finlay) to swim, trees for a dog(finlay) to pee against and gather fallen branches for the said swim. Etc.

We visited the market before we left, well I dragged Mick there, but there were a couple of bloke stalls- you know it has all this natty little gadgets that a bloke can’t do without( pocket screwdrivers that fall apart at the first sign of having to be put into use, and other strange devices that make Mick murmur “ I think I may need that” “ yes, yes I have always wanted one of those” etc).
I bought catering tin foil, 4 packs of incense sticks to light when we use the dunny, and 4lb new spuds.

Then we spotted a queue for the ……………………….bakers stall. ! well we needed some bread, but the hoards in front of us were requesting chelsea buns , Eccles cakes, cream donuts as well as bread. Must be good baking with queues like that. ! it was good bread and the Chelsea bun and Eccles cake x1 and shared were very good. Yum.

Trundled off toward Bedford, but just after Great Barford ( very nice place), we spotted some “dinglydell” or “hideyhole” or “very secretive” moorings called …… oh ok then, Old Barford Mill grass bank mooring- what a long way of saying- pretyy, pretyy pretty. ! cor, we nearly went past, when I spotted the EA SIGN, and so we did a quick turn( not really) and trundled off back to this mooring, having decided that we were not bothered about going any further, now. Oh this place was devine. And if the weather had been sunnier and hotter, In think we may have stayed a bit longer.
Why, oh why can’t folks take their rubbish home.? Anyway their was a nice little garden seat affair, that had been erected for someone who had died, and I put a little note inside the framework, asking that visitors leave it nice for someone else and take their crap home. Please excuse me, but it makes me so angry. ! GRRRHHHHHH.

So we had to get back to “ oh no, not Huntingdon” again, to have the wiring for new fridge done.
eventually we managed to leave and decided to have a good cruise as we will be meeting up with Stepmum and Den at the week-end, so thought we would give the batteries a work-out. We ended up at the GOBA moorings nr to the Ferry boat Inn, say no more. We went for a pint and stayed for lunch. It wasn;t bad, but I had to let them know that I thought they may have stored their veg nr to the fruit as the cauli and broc and carrots tasted fruity. !!!

However, this is a lovely cow meadow, so there is good swimming access for Finlay, plenty of trees for sticks, and I found a bumper crop of Blackberries.

But, the high light of the day was the family that turned up next to us. I don ;t think the script witers for the 2 ronnies could have done any better.

Big cruiser moving towards us, lots of shouting and whooping and “ hope we ‘aven’t ruined your peace” comments. They careen to a stop amidst lots of shouting and yelling, a foot ball is kicked off the boat,followed by a couple of dogs( not kicked off the boat, I hasten to add), 2 youths, a plump lass and a gaggle of little kids, then dad is shouting over to us about the peace being ruined, we say, no matter you enjoy yourself. The next thing we hear is ,I think, nanny and granddad moaning that they have moored a bit far out and “ ‘ow em I going to git me leg over there” comments, a lot of guffawing and chortling going on at this comment. Soon, there are a couple of strapping women ,who obviously belong to the Diamond Geezers, who have sprayed themselves liberally, with some sort of disinfect…. Perfume, followed by the other diamond geezer . There are a lot of kids, dogs, balls, people milling about at this point , but in the wink of any eye they have hot footed off to the pub leaving their boat………………………completely open. Good thing we were there to keep any eye on it( even though Mick was fishing and I was engrossed in a book. !) ah , and that brings me on to something else. And I will put a pic of the little day b oat on for you. But there is Mick fishing, anyone would think it was cold as he had a fleece on. !!!! but anyway,this day boat went by with some not unattractive slappe……ladies on it, and one of them shouted out to my husband “ I’ll be your catch “. What ? What ?
I think she may have had a few , and I suppose I should be flattered. ! Mick won’t shut up saying things like “ I can still pull ‘em and I’ve still got it, you know.!” Bless. !!!!!.

1 comment:

  1. Oh, Huntingdon. Oh, St Neots all bring back memories but89p for a yorkshire pudding small at that, I don't remember them days!!!!!!!!
